Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Companies Recognition

Companies are looking for talented people who don't be afraid to show their capabilities, what they know and what they can do. One question jumps into my head, How you keep the recruiter eyes into your resume while you're competing, probably with hundreds, for a certain job position?

I believe that when you want to surprise a company you need to do something especial, now a days is not enough to have a university degree level to be considerate as a candidate in a high level position (exceptions occurs). Knowing that, I decided to enroll myself with my team in the Imagine Cup contest, sponsored by Microsoft, in Software Design category.

I think that the most important aspect that our team gained with the contest was, the learning of the experience(and not vice versa), just because you can learn all the theory that you want and need in the class room, but it's really different when you go out of your school and try to reach one shared goal with your team. Differences came out, discussions, troubles trying to define and coordinate ways to accomplish targets, enough time to stay with your family and friends and maybe the most important: understand and accept the fact... you will not have a life until you get done.

At the end, What you got? the personal experience and the recognition of one of the biggest companies (software related) in the world. You can add the reference in your resume, for some companies that could be very impressive!, but, for sure, you know you have the knowledge and you can add one more capability to your life.

Yes, we won the national contest and we represented México in the international round (Yokohama, Japan 2005). We recognize and don't forget all the people behind us, invisible people which in one way or another help us to make that happen.

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